You may have noticed that I only have a total of six blog posts here on my website over the course of two years. This is because I really...
2017 Midpoint
After I finished my first Unity game The Gap earlier this year, I made a blog post about my plans for 2017. To sum it up for those that...
The Road Ahead
On February 1, 2017, I released my first "complete" Unity game The Gap. I put quotation marks around the word complete, because I have...
Postmortem: First Game Jam
*Disclaimer: I started this post almost a week ago after completing my game jam and have been slowly adding to it over the week; thus,...
First Game Jam!
Probably should have written this sooner but better late than never, right? As the title says, I am going to be doing my very first game...
Step by Step
Every day I do my best at plugging away at my craft. As I explain in my previous blog post, the games I am currently making are to...
Hey guys! So I just got my new website up and running! The previous one was an eye sore so I decided to tear it down and start from...