Going Blind
A few months after TBK Battle I decided to create Going Blind. It's a game that I made for my mother. It is about her dog, Jake, and his struggles with slowly going blind at the age of seven. It was my first attempt at trying to express something in my game and, despite it's very basic gameplay, it was well received by the players. There is something magical about putting yourself into a game and having players connect with you through it. It is definitely something I plan to do more of with future projects.
TBK Battle
This is the first game I ever created back in 2014 after teaching myself to program for a few months. It is a simple turn-based combat game with RNG elements. Despite it's simplicity, I still really enjoy this game; however, I know it's because it was my first game haha I've toyed with the idea of creating a sequel with loads of new features, such as: XP and currency system, weapon and armor upgrades, spells with status effects, fantasy style enemies and bosses, as well as a simple story over an adventure campaign. Will it ever happen? Only time will tell...