
Hey guys! So I just got my new website up and running! The previous one was an eye sore so I decided to tear it down and start from scratch. If you still find this one hideous...well, be thankful if you didn't see the old one as it would have caused you to jam forks into your eyeballs.
I wanted to get this website up for a few reasons. Firstly, I have been wanting to run a blog for all of the game dev things I do! Up until this point I have been sharing every thing on Twitter, but it can be difficult sharing everything within a 140 character limit (let me talk dammit!) and sometimes I just want to go in-depth on a topic. If you've found your way here odds are it was from Twitter as it is where all we indie devs lurk but having my own website will enable me to share even more content with you! If by chance you didn't arrive here from Twitter, come by and say hi to me here! I also wanted to have the website so that it can act as a central hub for all that I create. A place where you can easily find the games that I've created, what I'm currently working, dev blog, as well as any other side projects I may be working on - kind of like that pixel art page that is currently empty ;)
So now that the website is finished - what now? When I started working on the website I was in the middle of developing my game, The Gap, so now I can get back to finishing it (see a preview of it here). Now what that page (or any for that matter) don't tell you is what I'm trying to achieve with this game and those that will follow it. I recently finished school while majoring in game development. It was an amazing experience and I am now competent in all aspects of game development; however, the program heavily leaned on the art side (I can 3D model, UV, and texture like a mofo). While I did learn some programming, and it did introduce me to Unity (coming from a Flash background), it wasn't nearly enough. So, my plan is to spend the next year development small, simple games where I explore and learn new programming concepts within them. With each new game I will be trying something completely new that I've never tried before (or have any idea how to do) so that I can grow as a programmer and indie dev. Keeping the projects small and simple in scope will ensure (or so I hope) that I learn as much as possible within the shortest amount of time. It also gives you guys something new to play more often so that's a win-win in my book!
I will try and post regularly on this blog. August is coming up and it is going to be a very busy and productive month for me. My plans for the month of August include: Have The Gap finished mid-to-late that month, creating a page at itch.io and launching there for the first time (woot!), working on prepping a launch of my first item on the Unity Asset Store (more info coming soon), Create pixel art for the very first time (coming very soon!), designing my next game, creating a series of videos to launch on a new YouTube channel to help those that have never attempted game development/ programming get jump started, and set up a Twitch channel so that I can broadcast my game development process for that are interested, and attending PAX Prime! Phew! What a list. August is going to be crazy!
I currently don't have a newsletter set up (not sure if that is something any of you would be interesting in) so to get notified when a new blog post is up be sure to follow me on Twitter here or my sad and neglected Facebook page here (I know people that don't use Twitter so I will be making a new effort to keep my FB updated - sorry about that!).
Well, it's time to get back to the grind! Talk to you all soon!